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Million-dollar project to power Kaiaua

The project involves removing low voltage overhead lines from the back of people’s private residential property and undergrounding it on the council-owned berm along the roadside.    A further two kilometres of high voltage lines will also be rebuilt into the township.

Counties Power General Manager Field Operations Dale Carline, says the improvements will future proof the network while also making it more robust. “This $1.2m project in Kaiaua will improve power reliability and safety while also making it more visually appealing with the removal of power lines from people’s property. Given this area is at risk from flooding, as evidenced by the storm last January in particular, the network has been designed with equipment suitable for flood zones. We remind everyone to please slow down when driving through work sites and to follow all traffic management instructions.”

The project will start later this month and will include a series of planned shutdowns in the new year.  The company thanks those affected for their understanding as the network is shut down to allow field crews to work as quickly and safely as possible.  All those affected will be advised by letter at least 10 working days prior, with shutdowns also communicated on  You can also check planned shutdowns on the new app.  To get the app simply type into your smartphone internet browser now.

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