30m investment in local power supply
New subdivisions and network extensions the company is working on include Belmont, Paerata Rise, Pokeno, Hingaia, Karaka, Drury, Clarks Beach and Glenbrook Beach.
Large scale projects over the next year include the $5m Pokeno supply upgrade and network expansion, $2m Waiuku substation rebuild, $1.2m Kaiaua network upgrading and undergrounding, $1m Waiuku network upgrade and switchgear replacement, $600,000 Te Hihi conductor replacement, $550,000 Hunua network upgrade and $280,000 Pukekohe overhead to underground conversion. A further $3.4m will be spent on the initial network build of Drury South.
Counties Power General Manager Field Operations Dale Carline says the company are undertaking a massive programme of works this year to improve network reliability and upgrade and extend the network for future growth.
We’re excited by the industrial growth and development within our region which complements our already well-established local commercial businesses. This economic growth brings many benefits to our communities and local businesses both big and small. To cater for this growth, Counties Power are building critical infrastructure and investing in innovative solutions and new technology to keep up with power demand.” — Dale Carline, Counties Power General Manager Field Operations
“We’re constantly investing in network expansion and ensuring it is safe and well-maintained so our customers have reliable power supply. To undertake these planned works a series of shutdowns must occur so lines crew can safely work on the network. While this is essential, we understand that planning work and home life around shutdowns can be inconvenient to our customers and thank them for their patience as the crews work as quickly as possible. As always, safety is our utmost priority, that of our people and the public, on our network and on the general work site. Please be aware of any traffic controls and drive slowly past all work crews.”
All planned power shutdowns are advised to customers 10 working days prior via letter. Customers can also check shutdowns on the new Counties Power App – which can be downloaded on app.countiespower.com in your smartphone internet browser. At times shutdowns need to be postponed for weather or safety. A postponement date is advised on letters and customers are also contacted by phone wherever possible.
Counties Power reminds the public to always treat all lines and electrical equipment as live and to call 0800 100 202 or use the app to report any issues.