Environmental & Sustainability grants 2025

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting sustainability within our local community, we’re pleased to announce the fourth annual Counties Energy environmental and sustainability grants.

The grants are aimed at supporting initiatives that make a positive impact on our environment and community within the Counties Energy network.

Who should apply?

The two grants of up to $5000 are open to organisations in the following two sectors that reside within the Counties Energy
Network area.

Educational Provider:

• Preschools or Kindergartens
• Primary schools
• Intermediate schools
• Secondary schools
• Tertiary providers

Not-for-Profit Community Organisation:

• All

Note: Applications from Not-for-Profit Community Organisations that are not legal entities will also be


Application details

(Applications are now closed)

All projects must be undertaken within the geographical boundaries of the Counties Energy Network area.

Key Dates

  • 03 February 2025 applications open
  • 03 March 2025 applications close 4pm
  • 17 March 2025 award notification during this week


Projects that we support must be able to demonstrate improvement in one or more of these key areas:

Environmental – applicant aims to use grant to improve the physical environment. Examples include but are not limited to: Pest control, planting, weed management, waste reduction, habitat restoration/protection, emission reduction.

Educational – applicant aims to use grant to help with education around an environmental and sustainability topic. Examples include but are not limited to: School programme, signage, community events.

Cultural – applicant aims to use grant to enhance a site of cultural significance or to improve local understanding of a topic. Examples include but are not limited to: Stream planting, pest management, signage, community events.


The questions below are meant as a guideline only as you develop your application. However, be aware they are a prompt for the type of information the judges are looking for.

Your Organisation

In this section provide a description of your organisation:

  • How long it has been in existence.
  • How this project supports the organisation’s strategy, purpose, or charter.
  • Examples of any completed environmental projects to date, highlighting why the project was initiated and what was achieved.

Your project

This section is focused on the project and how it will improve the environment.

a) Organisation name and purpose.

b) Clearly describe the project objective(s).

c) What is the significance of this environmental and sustainability project? Describe the current situation.

d) Describe the environmental and sustainability benefits that will be gained from the project for the immediate and/or wider area.

e) Describe how these environmental and sustainability benefits will be achieved.


Please provide a detailed budget showing how the grant will be spent.


Project details

Please include with your application detailed information (i.e. plans, photos, maps, diagrams etc.) that show where and how the grant will be used.

Note: Added weight will be given to those applications that can provide verified or measurable
outcomes to demonstrate expected or anticipated environmental improvement.

Existing Project

Please include with your application detailed information (i.e. plans, photos, maps, diagrams etc.) that show where and how the Grant funds will be used.
Counties Energy Network map

Network boundaries

All projects must be undertaken within the geographical boundaries of the Counties Energy Network area as shown to the left.

The yellow shaded area in the below  two maps provides the indicative Counties Energy Network area in the Papakura area. The map on the right shows the entire network region. If you are unsure if your eligible to apply, please email your physical address and that where the project will be undertaken to environmentalgrant@countiesenergy.co.nz where your eligibility to apply will be confirmed by return email.

Counties Energy Network map shaded

Counties Energy Network Map 1- Papakura

Counties Energy Network map shaded

Counties Energy Network Map 2- Papakura

Frequently asked questions

Want to know more about the grant? See our most frequently asked question below.

Are there any projects/initiatives excluded from the grant?

The grant does not cover the following:

  • Resource consent applications and mitigation requirements.
  • Projects resulting in personal or commercial profit.
  • Debt repayment.
  • Attendance at conferences and/or training courses.
  • Compliance with planning regulations or other legal compliance costs.
  • Restrospective or backdated costs.
How do I apply?

Applications can be submitted using any of the following methods.


Counties Energy Environment and Sustainability Grant Application
Private Bag 4
Pukekohe, 2340

Applications are now closed.

Who do I contact if I have a question?

Please direct any questions or queries to the following email address.

Grant Rules

Only one application per organisation is permitted.

Once an application has been submitted it cannot be altered or substituted.

Organisations may withdraw their application at any time by providing written advice.

All sections of the application form must be completed for the application to be considered.

Applications must be received by the closing date and time.

By accepting the award grant, the organisation gives consent to Counties Energy to publish the name of the organisation, grant amount and details of the recipient project. Counties Energy may promote the project and use photographs or video of the project for promotional purposes.

All projects must be completed within 12 months of the grant being awarded.

Counties Energy may at its own discretion request progress updates on the project. Progress updates and information requirements will be in line with the objective(s) of the project.

All applications are deemed to have accepted the rules when submitting a completed and signed Environmental and Sustainability Grant application form.

The judge’s decision is final, and no other correspondence will be entered into.

Should the successful Grant Recipient breach any of these rules then they could be ineligible to apply for future Grants.