Counties Energy celebrates century milestone
Lines company Counties Energy celebrated its centenary this weekend at an event of more than 250 people, including elected representatives, community partners and past and current employees.
For the past century, Counties Energy has been rapidly building and maintaining an extensive electricity network, delivering safe and reliable power in their southern Auckland and northern Waikato network region.
Counties Energy Chief Executive Judy Nicholl said the company was incredibly proud to reach this significant milestone in the company’s history.
“Serving our community since 1924, a lot has changed about the way we provide and consume energy. Be it changes in legislation, governance, technology or demand, our journey has shaped who we are today, and who we’ll become to best serve our customers tomorrow. We aim to keep innovating and striving to meet these ever-changing needs across the next one hundred years.”
“This celebration is not only a tribute to our past achievements, the dedication and hard work of our team and the continued support of our customers, partners, Board and the Counties Energy Trust, but also a testament to our commitment to innovate and change, work sustainably and drive the future of energy in our region and beyond.”
“Today, Counties Energy is more than just power – we’re a technology and energy business that is diversifying into e-mobility solutions such as OpenLoop, distributed energy resources and more. As Aotearoa New Zealand transitions to a low carbon future, we’ll continue to lead change for the benefit of our customers and the environment.”
Now serving nearly 50,000 customers, with an asset base of $577m spreading from the Awhitu Peninsula across to the Firth of Thames and down to Mercer, the network incorporates the rapidly growing southern Auckland areas of Papakura, Drury, Karaka and surrounding areas. The company continues to invest heavily in the network, $72m in 2023, to supply the infrastructure, capacity and solutions required for the region’s homes, farms and businesses to thrive.
Counties Energy Trust Chair Christine Rupp says from humble beginnings as Franklin Electric Power Board in 1924 to Counties Power in 1993 and now Counties Energy, the company is a trusted and respected partner and essential services provider within their community.
“On behalf of the Counties Energy Trust, it is our great pleasure to commemorate the company’s centennial year. This is also a time to reflect on the many dedicated men and women who have built the network and supported our consumers and community over these 100 years.”
“We invite our consumers, partners and our community to join us in celebrating this momentous occasion,” added Christine. “We look forward to continuing to power our community and build a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.”
The lunch event featured speeches from Hon. Andrew Bayly, MP for Port Waikato, Counties Energy Board Chair Keith Watson, Counties Energy Trust Chair Christine Rupp, Counties Energy Chief Executive Judy Nicholl and a retrospective video of County’s Energy’s journey over the past 100 years, including where the company is heading as it adapts with a rapidly changing energy industry.
Throughout the day, attendees had the opportunity to engage and learn about the company’s history, the present and the future for Counties Energy as it transitions to a distributed systems operator (DSO).
Counties Energy has a portfolio of investments in innovative energy solutions that contribute towards Aotearoa New Zealand’s decarbonisation goals and has developed an end-to-end e-mobility software platform and related mobile app – OpenLoop.
More information regarding the Counties Energy Centenary, including photos and video links, will be available on the company’s website in the coming days.

Judy with Ivan Cornish (ex line mechanic of 45 years) and our current line mechanic Dave Lauer with service to date of 59 years!

Representatives from Ngati Tamaoho, our Trust, Board, Waikato and Auckland Council’s and our CE Judy Nicholl cut the ribbon to officially open the new building.