Counties Energy Announces Recipients of Environmental and Sustainability Grants

We’re excited to reveal the recipients of our latest round of Environmental and Sustainability Grants. Three local organisations have each received $5,000 in funding to support their unique projects aimed at environmental conservation and sustainability in the southern Auckland and northern Waikato regions. The grant recipients are Āwhitu Peninsula Landcare, Trees for Survival Charitable Trust, and Pukekohe Christian School.
The Counties Energy Environmental and Sustainability Grant was established to support not-for-profit community organisations and educational institutions that focus on projects designed to protect or improve the local environment. This is the third year that Counties Energy has awarded these grants, which are designed to promote education, environmental stewardship and cultural awareness. The selected projects this year align with our goals of reducing waste, improving habitats and cutting down on emissions.
Āwhitu Peninsula Landcare plans to use their grant to remove invasive plant species from the restoration site at Taahuna Paa. This effort will allow native plants to grow and thrive, contributing to the broader restoration objectives set by Ngaati Te Ata. Trees for Survival Charitable Trust is supporting Te Paina School in Mangatawhiri, providing seedlings for planting along a local stream as part of the Trees for Survival program. Lastly, Pukekohe Christian School is launching a zero-waste initiative to teach students how to make more sustainable choices, focusing on reducing waste, reusing resources and transforming waste into valuable materials.
Counties Energy is proud to support initiatives that make a positive impact on the environment and is excited to see how these projects contribute to sustainability in the community.