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Storm response: Please treat all lines as live!

staff working with electrical wires safely

Please treat ALL LINES AS LIVE!!! Please stay well clear of any downed line and call us on 0800 100 202 or 111 immediately.

Just giving you an update on the situation we’re facing across the region due to Cyclone Dovi so you can prepare. We’re wanting to give you a heads up now so you can get your families and loved ones ready for a night without power and possibly into tomorrow. We’re facing widespread damage across the region. We have thousands of properties without power and hundreds of individual faults. Trees and branches, and the massive wind speeds have taken out lines, poles and transformers. Our crews are working as quickly and safely as they can in these conditions, and have been since last night, however there is no possibility everyone’s power will be restored tonight.

Please ensure you’ve registered your outage on our Outage Hub – that is the best way to stay up to date on your outage as call volumes are high. Go to now. Download the Outage Hub to your phone by typing in your smartphone internet browser.

Our process for prioritising outages is;

  • Safety first. Our dispatch will always prioritise safety concerns first such as lines down.

    • Please be aware that power may not be restored in the first response, as work may be required on either our network or your private service line.

  • Emergency services/hospitals/rest homes.

  • Wide spread, high voltage outages affecting a significant number of customers.

  • Multiple properties, such as a road or neighbourhood without power.

  • Business needs such as farms caring for animals and businesses serving the community (i.e. supermarkets, food etc) .

  • Single properties.

Particularly, if you are in a smaller area or a small road, a single property, in a remote area or it’s your service line that caused the outage – please plan for a night without power and quite possibly into tomorrow too. Please plan to keep your family, loved ones and the vulnerable safe and as comfortable as possible. Please check in on your neighbours and check your livestock’s water. Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding as our crews work to get your power flowing. Take care everyone and stay safe.

For some tips on how to manage in a power outage –

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