Counties Energy resumes works programme

The company will now be working across three boundaries with the introduction of a new Level 4 zone for the Whakatiwai/Upper Hauraki area, Level 3 for the designated Auckland zone and Level 2 for the south eastern part of the network in the Mangatawhiri/Maramarua areas. Level 4 safety protocols will be utilised across all three zones.
The company had suspended all work except for safety, essential and faults work during Level 4 to minimise disruption to homes and those businesses operating as essential services.
Counties Energy General Manager Operations Dale Carline says that after a five week hold on all other work, it is imperative that the scheduled works programme now continues.
“While our essential workers have undertaken safety and faults work during Level 4, as we move into Level 3, all of our crews will be back to work. The reality is that we must continue with building network so there is enough capacity for our customers and to ensure the safety and reliability of the network for us all. After one and a half years of work disruptions due to Covid restrictions we are already playing catch up on network build and maintenance of existing infrastructure. As one of the fastest growing areas in New Zealand, we need to keep up with demand and ensure we can meet our region’s electricity needs.”
While planning has been undertaken to focus crews on work not requiring shutdowns, there is a necessity for some to be undertaken in Level 3. The company acknowledges this will be difficult for those affected.
The company is working to a comprehensive disruption mitigation procedure to minimise impact on customers as much as possible. Outage tips are available on their website and customers affected by a shutdown are reminded to pre-charge their devices and power packs to help with schooling and working from home. Hotspotting off cell phones at times during the day may also help. Shutdowns generally run from 9.00am – 3.00pm. Outage tips can be found at
The company’s safety practices implemented in previous lockdowns have been refined and additional safety precautions taken to combat the more infectious Delta strain of Covid-19. The public are asked to please maintain a two-metre distance from their teams and to be mindful of the safety of crews. All customers are asked to advise before a crew attends their premises if they feel unwell so appropriate safety measures can be taken to ensure the company’s essential workers stay safe.
Please be aware that due to safety protocols such as working in small team ‘bubbles’ and social distancing, some outages may take longer to be resolved. Counties Energy’s office and reception remain closed and the vast majority of office employees continue to work remotely.
The best way for the community to report a fault and to stay up to date if the power goes out is via the Outage Hub. More information on the company’s safety precautions and working practices can be found at For information on shutdowns visit the Outage Hub at
Please call 0800 100 202 for all other enquiries or check the website